A seasoned social activist, public policy advocate, and skilled project management professional with a successful history of executing community-based projects funded by various donors. Proficient in leading diverse teams and utilizing project design, monitoring, and analysis tools. Demonstrated expertise in collaborating with international donors, UN Agencies, DFID, USAID, BHC, EU, Bloomberg International, Asian Development Bank, and the Government of Pakistan. Possesses exceptional skills in policy advocacy, monitoring, report writing, and leading projects within the Migration Management portfolio of BHC, Frontex, and IOM Pakistan. Proficient in communication, developing training materials, coordinating with government agencies and local partners, organizing meetings and workshops, designing monitoring and evaluation tools, and drafting project-related materials. Willing to travel for project implementation and proactive in generating ideas for new projects. Adaptable and capable of performing additional duties as assigned.
- Leading the design and implementation of multiple refugee relief and migrant integration projects for donor agencies including Frontex – European Union, British High Commission, UNODC, and IOM
- Managing program operations in 5 country offices in the Middle East & South Asia Region, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Somalia
- Supporting migrant reintegration assistance from European Union to country of origin in the Middle East and South Asia, as part of the Returnee Reintegration Assistance Program
- Facilitating relocation operations of Afghan refugees from Afghanistan to Pakistan, and Pakistan to the UK, as part of the British High Commission’s ARAP project
- Supporting state institutions, including the Ministry of Interior and Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), in developing national referral mechanisms, and strengthening migrant reintegration, as part of the Global Action Against Trafficking in Person and Smuggling of Migrants (GLOACT) project.
- Leading refugee rehabilitation in host communities through family tracing, vocational and technical training for youth and adults, accelerated education of children, food security and livelihood assistance through asset transfer, and developing institutional linkages for legal documentation and registration in the country.
- Supported training for enterprise development, business sustainability, and financial literacy for beneficiaries
- Delivering training for implementation staff on MHPSS, Reintegration Assistance, and European Migrant Network Information System (EMNIS)
- Formulated Advocacy and Campaigns strategy for the foundation
- Identified policy and advocacy asks and defined campaigning structures and channels with parliamentarians
- Conducted consultations with stakeholders, communities, and children, and drafted policy recommendations reached through these sessions
- Strategized communications and campaigning channels including print media, electronic media, social media, and influencers, as well as interpersonal communications at project sites
- Lead the mapping process for selecting partners, work closely with the advocacy units to identify the potential influence to advocate for Policy ask
- Identify specific risk factors associated with the organizations, and the identification and implementation of appropriate measures to mitigate and manage those risks, working with other departments as appropriate.
- Mobilized advocacy alliance of 90+ NGOs across Pakistan to collate efforts for common advocacy goals
- Managed Organizational Capacity Development of implementation partners on Advocacy and Campaigning protocols in line with donor guidelines
- Structured program accountability mechanisms for effective information sharing, financial-fact sharing, and feedback response collection
- Drafted and advocated Health Levy bill 2019, tabled at the National Assembly by Dr. Nausheen Hamid from treasury benches, in consultation with the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation, and Coordination (MoNHSRC)
- Managed project implementation team in Zhob field office, delivering multisector Poverty Reduction Project with WASH, and Food Security & Livelihoods components
- Conducted disaster risk assessment in Zhob, identified risk management schemes, developed construction BOQs, and supported the construction of water reservoirs and flood retaining walls, and rehabilitation of Karaiz
- Served as Technical Lead for business development and grants/proposal writing of Sustainable Environment and Youth Engagement thematic areas
- Formulated and conducted primary and secondary research for needs and feasibility assessments, and situational analysis, involving communities and children
- Engaged communities and children in project design and implementation through multiple accountability mechanisms and participatory approaches, including Participatory Rural Appraisals
- Conducted government stakeholder consultations for water conservation in Balochistan leading to development of roadmap identifying 100 small and medium dams for sequential construction
- Supported coordination between project donors, implementation team, and government stakeholders, on Education projects in Punjab and KP
- Maintained management checks on project activities through implementation trackers
- Ensured timely delivery of activities to meet budgeting forecasts
- Designed and conducted operational and evaluation assessments to gauge the efficiency of project delivery and effectiveness of program activities
- Drafted project activity and closeout reports following donor guidelines
- Represented the organization at various forums for learning exchange
- Managed the operations, project design, and business development activities of the Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Unit
- Laid out program operational plans and provided technical assistance to program implementation teams on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) among affected population groups
- Developed a thematic strategy for supporting donor engagement and participation in communities of practice (CoP) and emergency clusters
- Served as Cluster Co-Chair for Inclusive Education in Disaster Context, leading consultations and supporting interagency cooperation
- Delivered the following emergency response, DRR, and DRM projects as Project Manager
- Overall management, designing, planning, monitoring, supervision, and reporting of projects
- Providing technical support and guidance to project teams for implementing project activities
- Preparing fortnightly situational analysis, as well as monthly, quarterly, and annual reports
- Developed and tracked MEAL plans, and mobilized teams on project evaluation
- Maintained close liaison with provincial governments in KP and Punjab and other relevant stakeholders.
- Conducted regular monitoring visits to project sites and provide onsite technical support and ensure quality, validity, and timeliness of reports in accordance with organizations and donor guidelines and requirements.
Ensured that gender-sensitive issues should be considered in terms of program beneficiaries.
- Kept Track of financial Transactions and their periodic reporting.
- Flood response and community rehabilitation project in KP and Punjab, targeting flood-affected areas following the 2012 floods
- Delivered key project components including disaster assessments, rescue and relief operations, and rehabilitation activities such as cash assistance, construction of one-unit houses, and rehabilitation of school and health facilities.
- Designed framework of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for affected communities, and conducted Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM)
- Arranged awareness sessions for Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for health workers to treat traumatized groups
- Engaged men and boys in contributing to gender equitable behaviors, relationships, systems, and structures, specifically in the context of agriculture and livelihoods in rural areas
- Managed delivery of multifaceted SBDRM projects including Child Health and Nutrition
- Provided Technical Support for conducting Training Needs Assessments
- Ensured implementation of the planned activities by a field officer, social Mobilizer, and LHW as per plans
- Built capacity of Healthcare institutions in the District on Disability and Preventive Health
- Arranging and Facilitating capacity building workshops and seminars, representing projects at concerned forums
- Managed delivery of multifaceted DRR projects including disaster risk identification, reduction, and management through rehabilitation activities for affected communities, involving livelihood development, food security, and cash and asset transfers
- Conducted awareness campaigns to promote resilience to climate change, engaging communities, children, and CBOs in DRR activities and DRM plan development
- Assisted project manager in the development of requirement management plan, quality management plan, and time management plan perform regular audits and inspections to ensure quality service delivery
- Supported the development of advocacy and awareness-raising strategies to generate public awareness regarding the disability and rights of PWDs
- Conducted distribution drives of Food, Hygiene, Livestock, Rubble Cleaning Kit, and winter clothing among the affected community
- Facilitated training of Afghan Refugees on protection issues, disability, and inclusion
- Monitored the infrastructure construction of schools & BHUs.
- Conducted Cash for Work money transfers scheme for shelter construction.
- Designed implemented and monitored livelihood Programs for Persons with Disability to regain their strength of earning.
- Ensured clear and transparent reporting within the program, including managing the reporting process to ensure reporting quality and consistency.
- Supported performance monitoring and evaluation assessments
- Assisted Advocacy & Comms Lead on internal and external communication for the project
- Prepared human resource management plan and assisted with staff acquisition, team building and team management activities
Designed and drafted project proposals (PC-1) with financial analysis
- Conducted financial planning and forecasting for current and upcoming projects
- Facilitated coordination with corresponding government departments
- Maintained liaison with media
• Pay roll Management
• Annual budget management handling.
• Updating of financial Transaction of ERP software.
• Event Management
• Branch Administration
• Tax deduction and Submission under the law of FBR.
He is intelligent, hardworking, employee of CHEF-I, having vast professional experience. In very short span of time he has completed more than 10 projects, which shows that he has vigilance, far sighted vision, and strong implementation skills in implementing projects As far as project management and implementation skills are concerned, he is getting Project management Masters degree which gives him cutting edge among his competitors. This plus point in his educational and working career will prove him as a valuable asset for CHEF-I and any other organization.